It's simple math. Tougher, faster and more efficient Clarke cleaning equipment is not only going to improve your facility's image. It'll also improve your bottom line, and it doesn't take a beautiful mind to figure out that less energy consumption, less water and chemical usage, and fewer man hours equates to increased efficiency and less money down the tubes.
Let’s start with toughness and durability. Say, for instance, you purchase low quality equipment for the simple sake of “saving money.” Just as with buying a house or a car, that would be a misguided move, because what you’ll end up spending on repairs and wasted man hours will likely far exceed the cost of just buying a better machine in the first place. You’ll end up with nothing but a lemon and a lot of regret. Buying equipment that’s built to last, especially when it’s a workhorse such as a floor scrubber, is a wise investment that will pay off far into the future.
Now, let’s talk speed. Again, not overly complicated. The faster maintenance staff can clean the total square footage of your facility, the more time they’ll have to complete other tasks. Speed alone, however, isn’t enough. Therefore, your equipment’s speed must be matched by its efficiency and its effectiveness, and Clarke understands this more than any other brand on the market.
This is why we've put so much brainpower into making sure our equipment is efficient on every level. Our main method for making this happen is through BOOST® technology, the best thing since indoor plumbing for maintenance crews everywhere. BOOST® utilizes a square-shaped scrubbing pad that cleans right up into corners, thus avoiding countless hours of manual scrubbing. It also cuts back on water and chemical use by up to 70% by giving the operator total control over how much water is distributed over a given area. This ultimately results in less time spent dumping and filling, a true luxury for any operator.
Clarke customers get the best of both worlds when it comes to high quality floor machines. Our equipment is actually quite affordable, which may be surprising given the fact that these are some tough, effective and efficient cleaning systems. Not to mention they’re easier on the environment, which is good for everybody. So, in the end, if your goal is to clean more floor space, and do it better for less time and money, then Clarke is your best bet, by far.
Be sure and check out part 2 of this blog post when we talk more in-depth about BOOST® and its benefits for both the operator and the environment.
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